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      Bodyworks changed my life. My pain is gone. In my 60s, I feel better than I did in my 20s. Kim is warmhearted and funny, and she has an eagle's eye for the ways a body can get off kilter. Her classes perform miracles.
      Erin M.
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      Kim is knowledgeable, positive, and kind. Her classes move in an organized pattern to maximize each person’s potential. They are challenging but supportive, but I look forward to her wisdom, expertise, and her charming personality each week.
      Anne S.
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      I have severe scoliosis, and one leg is an inch shorter than the other. After a lot of pain, I had visions of ending up in a wheelchair. With Kim's help, I've "grown" 1/2 inch; I can ride a bike, garden, and hike. After every injury or new ache, Kim has taught me how to strengthen joints and improve balance, so I can heal and keep going.
      Kathy S.
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      The YouFit class with instructor Betsy Miller is exactly what I was looking for here on the mountain! This class is as good as any class I’ve taken at a big city YMCA. The hour long class works every muscle group and at the end you have more energy than when you started. I have seen improvement in my strength and muscle tone since I began the class. Best of all, it’s fun with good music and great people! Betsy makes sure everyone works at the fitness level that’s best for them.
      Deb D.
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      Pippa’s yoga class was great! I don’t remember ever feeling so relaxed after a yoga class!
      Teresa M.

OUR MISSION is to educate people—from collegiate students to those well into their twilight years—about how the body works and to enable them to move with ease and strength.

Located on the beautiful 13,000-acre campus of the University of the South in Sewanee, Tennessee, Bodyworks Youniversity is a perfect setting for our restorative work. We want your experience to be a “tiny vacation” from your busy life, to learn how to destress and unwind your body and soul.

We offer private and duet sessions that use heat and stretching on Pilates equipment to release and align your body before taking you to core strengthening exercises. We also offer Pilates mat classes to strengthen and tone your body, as well as to educate you about what each exercise is designed to achieve.

Heart Health

Maybe you have asked a similar question--

I'd like to improve my heart health, but I'm worried I don't have the motivation to join a gym or make big diet changes. Any advice?

Read on for information from the Mayo Clinic:

It's great that you want to improve your heart health. Don't think that you have to make big changes to have an effect on your heart health, though. Even small, basic steps can have dramatic effects.

One of the biggest drops in heart disease risk occurs when you go from living a sedentary lifestyle to being active for as little as one hour a week. Obviously, the more active you are, the better. But just one full hour of activity over the course of a week makes a difference.

Health professionals at Mayo Clinic have developed the Mayo Clinic Healthy Heart Plan. The entire plan is contained in the book "Mayo Clinic Healthy Heart for Life!" But one of the key messages is that even little steps may make a big difference.

Some of these steps for getting started are included in the "Eat 5, Move 10, Sleep 8" section of the book, which describes a two-week quick start to the Mayo Clinic Healthy Heart Plan. Here's a summary of the Mayo Clinic Healthy Heart Plan's quick start:

· Eat 5. Eat five servings of fruits and vegetables a day to boost your heart health. Start by eating breakfast and including at least one serving of fruit or vegetable. Snack on vegetables or fruits in between meals. Make a conscious effort to include fruits and vegetables in your daily meals. Don't worry so much about foods you shouldn't eat — just work on getting five or more servings of fruits and vegetables a day.

· Move 10. Add at least 10 minutes of moderately intense physical activity to what you do every day. Sure government recommendations say to include physical activity for 30 minutes or more a day, but the bottom line is even 10 minutes makes a difference. (BODYWORKS YOUNIVERSITY CAN HELP WITH YOUR FITNESS GOALS).

For example, studies have found just 60 to 90 minutes a week of physical activity can reduce your heart disease risk by up to 50 percent. That's a big benefit from a pretty small commitment on your part. It doesn't have to be elaborate — take the stairs, take a walk, just get moving. As you become more active, you can try to increase your total amount of activity each day.

· Sleep 8. Quality sleep is good for your heart. It can be a challenge to make time for good sleep, but it's important. For two weeks try to get eight hours of good, quality sleep each night. Yes, each person's sleep needs vary slightly, but eight is a good number to shoot for.

All of these tips from the "Eat 5, Move 10, Sleep 8" section of the book are meant to be tried for two weeks before you move on to a more established heart-healthy plan. But there's nothing wrong with continuing this quick start for longer periods. Consider trying other reputable diet and exercise plans offered by the American Heart Association and government agencies. The point is to get started with something and keep at it.

--Francisco Lopez-Jimenez, M.D.

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293 Ball park Road
Sewanee, TN 37375
and on Zoom app

(423) 322-1443



Private sessions available by appointment.